Thursday 17 April 2014

Easy Leopard Print Nails!

Hi everyone!

I recently did a pastel leopard print mani on my nails and I loved it so much I though I would share it with you! 

It's so easy that anyone can do it, and there's no right or wrong way to do it, and it's always a way to spruce any nail colour! 

Why you'll need:
Base colour of your choice
Glitter nail polish
Kirby Grip/Dotting Tools
Light brown polish
Black nail polish 
Top coat. 

For this tutorial purpose I have used a fake finger and fake stiletto nail. 

First of all apply your chosen base colour for this I used MUA's All Nude. I applied 2 coats and let them dry before moving onto the next step. 

Next apply your chosen glitter polish, I used a limited edition Barry M polish I had in my nail box. You can apply this is any design I chose to do the tip and slightly up the side towards the cuticle. 

Once your glitter polish is dry, I used a kirby grip as a dotting tool since I've misplaced mines, and applied my light brown polish in dots over the glitter parts. I used Barry M Mushroom. 

Now onto the last part. Use a fine detailing brush to make 'C' shapes around your dots with your black polish. I used the MUA Black. Once your done that part, anywhere it looks like you've got some spaces apply tiny dots to fill them up and voila your done! 

It really is that easy! 
I can't wait to try this out with some neon colours for summer. 
Tweet me @sophiesvanity if your try this out. 

Happy nail painting! 
Sophie xx

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