Sunday, 16 March 2014

Liebster Award

I have been nominated for the Liebster Award by the lovely Amy at If you haven't already go and check out Amy's blog!

 I've been looking around and I am very excited to answer some interesting questions!

At first I wasn't very sure what this is but it's a fab way to meet new people and to discover other bloggers.

Here are the rules for the Liebster Award:

1. You must link back to the person who nominated you.  
2. You must answer the 11 questions given by the nominee before you. 
3. You pick 11 nominees with under 200 followers to answer your questions. 
4. You cannot nominate the person who nominated you.
5. You must tell the nominees that they have been nominated by you.
My answers to Amy's questions:
  1. Favourite piece of clothing? Why?
    Definitely leggings, leggings whether they be black or have a print, can be an addition to any outfit or be the focus of an outfit. 

  2. BB Cream or Foundation?
    Foundation. I have yet to find a bb cream that works well with my skin. 

  3. If you were stranded on a desert island what beauty products would you take?
    Matte lipstick, bobbles, tangle teezer, and waterproof mascara. 

  4. What do you do when your not blogging?
    Most likely finding an excuse to have a vodka, or shaking my booty. 

  5. Someone you want to meet?
    Lady gaga or Beyonce, they are my queens. I would've also loved to have had the chance to meet Betty Grable and Amy Winehouse. 

  6. Favourite thing about your blog (feature, post, photos etc)
    I'm really loving the vintage feeling of my layout, it's been a firm favourite for a while. 

  7. Best moment of your life so far?
    Getting my hairdressing qualification, and self teaching myself on my make up skills. 

  8. Favourite fashion website?
    ASOS, by far, even if I'm not making a purchase I'm always having a look to see if new things have been added. 

  9. How you get inspiration for your posts?
    Mostly from the outside world. What people are looking at buying, if it's an important holiday etc. 

  10. Who/what inspired you to create your blog?
    I love all things make up and fashion and I can't help but buy new things, and I always was having a look at other people reviews before I made purchase and it's so helpful. 

  11. If you had to choose what you could wear for the rest of your life what would it be?
    Lipstick. I never go anywhere without it. I am a lipstick hoarder. I have over 80 so far, which seems to me like a lot but I plan on buying so many more.  

Now I know some of you will be thinking I cheated because some of these people have more than 200 followers, but I appreciate these blogs and enjoy reading them hence why I'm passing them on. 

Here are my questions. 
1. What is your favourite day of the week?
2. What is happiness for you?
3. What is your preferred period of fashion? (20s 30s 50s etc)
4. Shoes or champagne?
5. Favourite high end lipstick?
6. You're biggest fear? 
7. Dream career? 
8. Favourite fashion website?
9. Who is your ultimate fashion icon? 
10. What is your life motto? 
11. Describe yourself in one word? 

Thank you for stopping by dont forget to follow me on bloglovin, instagram, and twitter all @sophiesvanity


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the nomination! This sounds fun! :) :) Posting it tomorrow!
