Hi everyone! It's 8.30pm, I have nothing better to do, and I can't resist a tag so here's a fun one for you!
GREED - What is your most inexpensive beauty product? What is your most expensive?
My most inexpensive beauty products are a variety of make-up products from the brand MUA available at superdrug... Lipsticks & Eyeshadows from £1. Just because these products are cheap it doesn't mean they're not great which some of them are!
My most expensive make-up product is a Guerlain limited edition lipstick I bought when I was 19 which cost I think around £39 it's long gone but it was a favourite.
WRATH - What beauty products do you have a love/hate relationship with?
The first think I would say would be eyelashes curlers, not really a product but it still count, I have terribly straight eyelashes an it's almost impossible for me to get them to stand up, I've never found eyelashes curlers, low end or high end that actually work for me.
The second product I have a love/hate relationship with is BB Creams. I've tried loads of different brands, again low end and high end, and they are just horrible on my skin, they look amazing on other but are a nightmare on my oily skin.
GLUTTONY - What are your most delicious beauty products?
Hands down my popcorn lipscrub from lush, if you haven't tried any of the lipscrubs let me tell you, they are devine.
And second would have to be my raspberry swirl lipstick from MACs baking goodies collection, it literally smells like sweeties/bakery it's amazing, the smell alone won me over.
SLOTH - What beauty product do you neglect due to laziness?
Definitely heat protector. I have a few which I love, and being a hairdresser I shouldn't say, but i rarely use them as much as I should.
PRIDE - What beauty product gives you more confidence?
Foundation and eyebrow products. If I don't have anything else on I always have these two. Wouldn't go anywhere without them!
LUST - What attributes do you find most attractive in the opposite sex?
I personally don't see how this question is relevant to this beauty tag but here goes....Honestly? Well I'm not into the opposite sex, as many of you know if you're a reader of my blog. But in women I look for someone who is friendly, confident, approachable and someone who I can have a laugh with.
ENVY - What item would you most like to receive as a gift?
erm...HINT HINT!! Haha. Honestly i'd most like to receive a new hair curling iron or waver. My hair used to be so curly but since I've been growing it, it's really straight and curling it can be a nightmare. I have an amazing curling wand for smaller curls and a big iron for loose curls and waves. But I'm really after a smaller barrel old style curler that I can use for more vintage styles and setting on my hair.
Phew end of the tag! This was a fun one too do, I tag everyone to do this post! I'm intrigued to see peoples answers.
Thank you for reading, Sophie xxx
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